Cordyceps - the healing potential of the mushroom and 7 medicinal properties

"Cordyceps has greatly improved the quality of my life. In the past, I used to consume vitamins on the basis of the entire alphabet: B, C, D, K, Mg! and so on. Yet I was feeling constantly tired and weak. A friend recommended Cordyceps to me, and to my surprise, it really works! I want to thank you for I no longer have to remember what and when to take, but I can add a spoonful of Cordyceps to my morning coffee and feel a lot better! It has also worked well for my very fussy digestion. I get to exercise more and take better care of myself." - Lisa
We are happy that such feedback is daily and common. Cordyceps has greatly improved the quality of life of many people. More energy, motivation and the will to do things are just some of the qualities that Mighty Fungi Cordyceps can guarantee.
What exactly is Cordyceps?

In this article we highlight the origin, growth process and possible uses of the medicinal mushroom Cordyceps. This mushroom has been recognized and used in Chinese medicine for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Now it has reached us - in the text below, we outline everything you should know about Cordyceps!
Today, a growing problem in developing countries is the burden of various chronic diseases. Lack of exercise, busy lifestyle and low-quality food can be cited as reasons.
It is eating habits that are considered one of the main risk factors for chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia (cholesterol) and other diseases that affect a person's overall well-being.[9]
It is no wonder that the scientific community has focused a lot of attention on this human-destroying problem. Scientists are constantly working to find naturally occurring healing nutrients that can help improve human health without side effects.
That's why the eyes are directed to the still unknown world of mushrooms! [10] Nutrition and obtaining nutrients through digestion is considered the basis of healthy human functioning. Proper and adequate nutrition is necessary for survival, physical growth, mental development, performance, productivity and general well-being.
- Cordyceps sinensis, or Chinese caterpillar fungus, is a rare naturally occurring parasitic fungus.
The name Cordyceps comes from the Latin words cord and ceps, which mean heart and head in English. Cordyceps is the general name that describes this group of parasitic fungi. So far, 540 species of Cordyceps are known[2], but the most famous of them are Cordyceps sinensis, Cordyceps sobolifera, Cordyceps cicadicola, Cordyceps liangshanesis, Cordyceps ophioglossoides and Cordyceps militaris[3].
- The fungus first selects the larvae of some insect species, then forms a parasite complex on it, which is formed from the larva and mycelium.
This Chinese caterpillar fungus chooses the head of an insect, maggot or caterpillar as its home. The mushroom is called DCXC (Dong Chong Xia Cao) in Chinese and Tockukaso in Japanese, meaning "winter-insect and summer-plant", after its growth process. The fungus first selects a larva of some species, then forms a parasite complex on it, which is formed from the caterpillar and the stroma of the fungus.[1]
The stroma of a fungus is a pillow-shaped plexus of fungal filaments on which the reproductive organs of the fungus develop. Larvae are infected with the fungus in the summer and autumn and in the winter the fungus eats them slowly, turning the larvae into rigid worms (DongChong).
In the spring and summer of the following year, the mushroom grows from the previously mentioned larva's head and is known as the summer plant during this time(XiaCao).[4]
- Cordyceps sinensis is a respected and well-known booster that has been used in Chinese medicine in China, Japan, Korea and other Asian countries.
The healing properties of Cordyceps were discovered around 2000 years ago. The fungus
grows primarily in the mountainous regions of China and the Tibetan Plateau, the world's
highest medium-altitude plateau. Due to its high nutritional and healing properties, it is considered one of the most expensive raw produce used in Eastern medicine and transported around the world. [5][6]

Various bioactive components are attributed to Cordyceps, the most important of which is cordycepin, due to its supreme healing and nutritional potential.
- Cordycepin - is the part of the mushroom that starts to work in digestion and improves metabolism and cell metabolism. [20][18]
- Bioactive compounds - they can be described as useful molecules present in food, obtained from plant or animal sources. They must be consumed to ensure regular energy exchange, but they are also attributed to anti-inflammatory and metabolism-regulating properties.[11] Bioactive compounds increase thermogenesis, energy expenditure and offer additional benefits in preventing and limiting obesity [12].
- Nutrients - Cordyceps contains a large amount of various nutrients: proteins, fats, essential amino acids, useful oils, carotenoids, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, minerals (Fe, Ca, Mg, Ni, Sr, Na, Ti, Pi, Se, Mn, Zn, Al, Si, K, Cr,Ga, V and Molecules 2020, 25, 2735 3/21 Zr), vitamins (B1, B2, B12, E and K), as well as different types of carbohydrates such as monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, sterols, nucleosides etc. [17]
We will highlight just a few of the healing properties attributed to Cordyceps:
1. Anti-inflammatory effect
From various studies conducted on rats and guinea pigs, we see that Cordyceps reduces inflammatory processes in the body. It improves airway inflammation induced in rats, suggesting that it can be used to prevent and treat asthma.
2. Antioxidant, brain-enhancing and anti-aging effects
Cordyceps researchers Chen and Li (1993) compiled a list of anti-aging drugs known from traditional Chinese medicine, one of which was Cordyceps. In addition, it has been shown that Cordyceps sinensis extract improves learning ability and memory, and increases oxygen exchange in the body. Oxygen is needed to release energy from nutrients.[13]
3. Strengthening effect of the immune system
In recent years, the possibility that mushroom extracts and isolated components stimulate or inhibit specific components of the immune system has been investigated. Immunomodulators can be effective drugs for a weak or diseased immune system. There has been extensive research focused on the immune-boosting and disease-fighting properties of various Cordyceps species. As previously stated, several important substances with immunomodulatory effects have been isolated from Cordyceps. Mushrooms also have an anti-allergy effect. [14]
4. Anti-cancer, anti-proliferative (suppressing tissue growth) and anti-metastatic (suppressing transplants) effects
Various tumors are one of the main causes of death in the world. Antitumor activity is one of the main therapeutic effects of the Cordyceps mushroom. The ability to inhibit the growth of various tumors has been identified in many Cordyceps species. The bioactive components of Cordyceps with antitumor effects are mainly polysaccharides, sterols and adenosine. New antitumor compounds are constantly being discovered in the mushroom.
Cancer can be prevented in several ways, which include:
1) strengthening the immune system;
2) selective inhibition of RNA synthesis, thereby affecting protein synthesis;
3) limiting the sprouting of blood vessels
4) induction of cancer cell apoptosis
5) regulation of signaling pathways
6) antioxidation and action against free radicals
7) anti-mutation effect
8) disruption of reproduction of tumor-causing viruses
9) induction of nucleic acid methylation. [15]
5. Supporting and improving liver functions
Liver ailments are a common health condition that affects many people. The incidence of primary liver cancer is constantly increasing in the world, it is largely related to hepatitis virus infection. Cordyceps has been found to help prevent liver diseases. Animal experiments and data from clinical trials show that Cordyceps has a protective effect on the liver, including in patients with viral hepatitis A, hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C. Cordyceps increases organic cellular immunological function and changes HBeAg-positive to HBeAg-negative, improves liver function, prevents liver fibrosis, etc.
Bioactive components of Cordyceps for liver protection are mostly CPs. CPs can improve the immunological functions of organic cells by removing harmful components and thereby reducing liver cell injury. However, the content and effectiveness of CPs varies between species. The effect of Cordyceps in protecting the liver was presented as follows: 1) protective effect on liver damage of the immune system; (2) impact on patients with chronic hepatitis B; (3) effect on patients with hepatic cirrhosis after hepatitis; (4) protective effect against liver fibrosis. The key to the treatment of liver diseases is to inhibit and remove viruses from the patient's liver, improve the body's immune system, and prevent the development of liver fibrosis.
6. Supporting and improving kidney functions
The effect of Cordyceps in protecting the kidneys is mainly presented in three
1) healing effect on toxic kidney damage;
2) protection against chronic kidney failure;
3) alleviation of glomerulonephritis, i.e. severe kidney inflammation.
The effect of Cordyceps on the kidneys has been proven by a series of experiments.
7. Heart protection and antihypertensive effect
Cordyceps has many positive effects on the cardiovascular system. It lowers blood pressure, fights cholesterol and has an antiarrhythmic effect.
Little is known about the side effects of Cordyceps, because it is a relatively new dietary supplement in Western medicine. Dry mouth, nausea, headache or diarrhea have been known to occur in rare cases. In even rarer cases, allergic reactions have occurred, but no mushroom poisoning has been identified so far.
Experiments have been carried out on mice and rabbits, where mice have been dosed with 80g/kg Cordyceps per day for 7 days. For rabbits, however, 10g/kg within three months.
Later measurements showed no signs of poisoning or deterioration of kidney and liver parameters.[19] Even so, we recommend that you carefully familiarize yourself with the origin of the mushroom you are taking, as many Cordyceps powders can be mixed with either potatoes or rice.
1. Medicine mushrooms have proven to be very effective against many serious diseases. Cordyceps is considered an excellent storehouse of various bioactive substances.
2. The action of Cordyceps is mainly focused on the key effects of increased oxygen utilization and ATP production, as well as stabilization of blood sugar metabolism. Cordycepin, cordycepic acid and polysaccharides, vitamins and trace elements may at least partially account for these known effects.
3. The highly potent medicinal mushroom in terms of nutritional value is considered a strong source of energy because it is capable of revitalizing and protecting several organ systems.
4. Several preparations made from Cordyceps (pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, etc.) protect kidney and liver functions, improve intracellular energy exchange, increase oxygen supply in the blood and natural resistance, remove toxins from the body, keep blood sugar under control, slow down the aging process, stimulate natural energy exchange and nourish the body's immune system.
5. No side effects have been identified when consuming the pure mushroom.
If you feel like this mushroom could help you on your journey to a better you, we recommend trying out our Cordyceps extract! It is an third-party lab tested in the USA and the best mushroom powder on the market.
Get Yours Now!

Used literature:
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